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4 min read
Tasks I Accomplish During Naptime
Time is so trippy.
Especially as a parent.
First, you lose sleep and time drags on forever. One of the most helpful things I was told by my sister in law was that tiredness won’t always get better, but you do get used to it. It really helped me to adjust my expectations. I was personally happier once I began to accept this phase for what it is and chose to only worry about the things I could control.
Like cute baby outfits! And boundaries!
Secondly, you discover your superhuman ability to complete chores (that used to take you all day) in ten minutes or less while your baby sleeps with the most random schedule imaginable.
I know, it’s a skill born from intense anxiety… but at least there’s a positive outcome, yeah?
My baby had some of the shortest nap times. It was not easy, to say the least. Not to mention the workout it can be to get a newborn to sleep. That part was very unexpected. But after some time I was able to make some predictions that helped me to plan a little bit further ahead than the next 15-20 minutes.
My world slowlyyy opened back up after that.
The thing to keep in mind (that I am always always reminding myself of) is that every little task completed is an accomplishment to be proud of.
To be the exhausted momma with the sweet baby whose needs take up every second of every day and night… that’s a hard place to be. I would get so down on myself for not being “productive” or appearing “lazy” based on the amount of things I did during the day.
There’s a balance to be found, for sure, but lots of grace is owed to yourself.
So, what have I actually done during nap times?
If I was more organized I would label each nap as an opportunity for different tasks. In fact, that’s my new goal. I picture something like this for myself:
First nap - exercise and/or meal prep
Second nap - projects or work
Third nap - clean or organize one space in the house
Whatever it is you deem important, acknowledge it and prioritize your needs during whatever length of baby-free time you have. Many of these things I do while she’s awake and hanging out with me anyway, which I see as even more reason to utilize baby naps as time to tune into my needs. And sometimes a clean bathroom is something I really need, just as much as I might need a smoothie and an episode of Instant Dream Home.
-Makayla Wayt